Images to Decode
Laura Perrucci and Matteo De Santis demonstrate a fresh take on collage. Bubble wrap and printed words lie over cloudless blue skies.
Laura Perrucci and Matteo De Santis demonstrate a fresh take on collage. Bubble wrap and printed words lie over cloudless blue skies.
Ellen Jantzen stretches, cuts and pastes an array of organic samples, drawing attention to the vast editing processes that define 21st century media.
Diasporic legacies, historical figures, baroque designs and contemporary fashion unite in a series of studio portraits by Omar Victor Diop.
Plastic is one of the world’s most ubiquitous and damaging substances. Mandy Barker’s disquieting images demonstrate the extent of the emergency.
Tobias Schnorpfeil is a German engineer and tech founder whose compelling digital renders utilise data sets to build up colour, texture and material.
Thomas Jordan’s Instant Honey series offers a glimpse of the Midwest at sunset. Lilacs blend seamlessly into burnt oranges and inky blues.
Zhang Ahuei’s compositions include unexpected elements that are both unsettling and alluring, blending the real and surreal; fashion and fine art.
Glenn Homann explores the developments of iPhone cameras, producing abstract snapshots that turn Brisbane into a saturated wonderland.
Sprengel Museum, Hannover, probes 40 years of image-making in North America and Canada, alongside the concepts of veracity and narrative.