Over the last few years, digital art has developed monumentally, from the rise of Fractal and Algorithmic Art (abstract compositions derived from mathematics), to Data-Moshing (the process of damaging clips to create glitch effects) and Dynamic Painting (in which brush strokes are created through an autonomous system). Tobias Schnorpfeil is a German engineer, filmmaker and tech founder who started making three-dimensional renders in early 2020, projects in which data sets dictate colours, textures and materials. Schnorpfeil’s landscapes are filled with nods to Surrealism. Beds float, inexplicably, amongst deep water. Rock formations create reflected loops. Trees emerge from rippling seascapes. Anonymous figures synchronise, dipping and bowing their bodies together. These worlds are ripe with possibility, mirroring the imaginative freedom of digital composition and construction. tschnorpfeil.super.site.

Image Credits:
1. Tobias Schnorpfeil, Waiting 2. Courtesy of the artist.
2. Tobias Schnorpfeil, Waiting 2. Courtesy of the artist.
3. Tobias Schnorpfeil, Unreal Arctis 2n. Courtesy of the artist.
4. Tobias Schnorpfeil, Equals 3. Courtesy of the artist.
5. Tobias Schnorpfeil, Unreal Arctis 3n. Courtesy of the artist.
6. Tobias Schnorpfeil, Floating 1. Courtesy of the artist.
7. Tobias Schnorpfeil, Monolith 1. Courtesy of the artist.
8. Tobias Schnorpfeil, Unreal Arctis 2. Courtesy of the artist.
9. Tobias Schnorpfeil, Waiting. Courtesy of the artist.
10. Tobias Schnorpfeil, Equals 2. Courtesy of the artist.