10 Quotes About Creativity

Be inspired by global artists and photographers. Read thought provoking statements from Ai Weiwei, Kara Walker, Georgia O’Keeffe, Alexander Calder and more – reflecting on creativity in today’s world.

  1. “Art is the one place we all turn to for solace.” – Carrie Mae Weems.

2. “Creativity is the power to reject the past, to change the status quo, and to seek new potential. Simply put, aside from using one’s imagination – perhaps more importantly – creativity is the power to act.” – Ai Weiwei.

3. “Above all, art should be fun.” – Alexander Calder.

4. “I’ve been absolutely terrified every moment of my life – and I’ve never let it keep me from doing a single thing I wanted to do.” – Georgia O’Keeffe.

5. “There’s no diploma in the world that declares you as an artist – it’s not like becoming a doctor. You can declare yourself an artist and then figure out how to be an artist.” – Kara Walker.

6. “I thought art was a verb, rather than a noun.” – Yoko Ono.

7. “An artist is not special. An artist is an ordinary person who can take ordinary things and make them special.” – Ruth Asawa.

8. “There should be something revelatory about art. It should be totally creative and open doors for new thoughts and experiences.” – Tracey Emin.

9. “I saw art in life and life as art. I couldn’t separate one from another. So my gaze to the world and my questions were always related to life itself.” – Kimsooja.

10. “Art is our weapon. Culture is a form of resistance.” – Shirin Neshat.