Uncanny Happenings

Uncanny Happenings

Spaghetti mattresses, towering pancakes, cigarettes poking through auburn hair. These are the unique creations of Hugh Kretschmer – a Los Angeles-based photographer known for building surreal worlds. His characters inhabit altered realities, where everyday objects appear off-kilter and things are slightly askew. Bright blue rooms, painted murals and cluttered walls act as backdrops for uncanny happenings.

“My photographs have been described as fanciful, curious, imaginative, unusual, or a little creepy,”Kretschmer says. “Some are influenced by myriad dreams and desires of what life could be like… whilst others are commentaries on the human condition, influenced by a perspective that honours and embraces the assets and deficits we all share as human beings, seasoned with a touch of quirk and irony.”

The shots are highly polished, with crisp lighting and keen attention to detail. Throughout a rich and varied oeuvre,Kretschmer demonstrates a strong understanding of colour, pattern and texture – from vintage carpet bags and gingham tablecloths to flowing swathes of hair. Each image is at once alluring, unsettling and humorous – instantly grabbing attention. Viewers are left wanting more, asking: what happens next?

Kretschmer has collaborated with a number of notable editorial, design and advertising clients such as Vanity Fair, New York Times Magazine, National Geographic, GQ, Toyota and Sony. The artist’s wider work has been recognised by publications Juxtapoz and Plastik, as well as the International Photography Awards.

hughkretschmer.net I @hugh_kretschmer

All images courtesyHugh Kretschmer.
1. Pancakes
2. Spaghetti Bed
3. Smoking Hair
4. Clutter
5. Pancakes
6. The Kiss