Rising Talent
At Aesthetica we believe that the next generation will invigorate artistic practice with diversity, fresh ideas and new concepts. As such, it is essential to showcase their work and offer a platform, and as part of our Special 60th Edition, we have partnered with London College of Communication to survey some of photography’s rising stars. Hailing from around the world, they work across experimental, reportage, documentary and fine art. These young luminaries have won several awards and exhibitions including The Catlin Art Prize, Jerwood Photography Awards, Rencontres d’Arles and FreshFaced + WildEyed at the Photographers’ Gallery, and their work has appeared in publications such as AnOther, Dazed & Confused, Time Out, The Guardian and National Geographic amongst others. Together, the following selection provides an overview and insight into some of photography’s future greats. We believe they are practitioners that you should be keeping an eye on and following their future developments.