Glacial Exposure

Joël Tettamanti

In the midst of a white snowscape, Joël Tettamanti (b. 1977) finds moments of captivating colour. While travelling across Greenland, he discovered objects and buildings which had managed to escape the thick layers of snow engulfing the region. The primary coloured houses associated with the Northern Hemisphere stand out against the washed-out streets, and even the most mundane objects become almost mystical half-disguised in the frosty weather. Tettamanti studied graphic design and photography at the Ecole Cantonale d’Art de Lausanne and in 2009 he returned to the institution to teach. He has also has journeyed across the world, documenting images of inhabited scenery, visiting places such as Togo, Kuwait, Japan, Azerbaijan and India (in addition to Greenland). He has recently released a new monograph, Works 2001-2019, showcasing his unique perspective of the world and his skill in encapsulating the character of a place. The following photographs were taken in Greenland from 2004 to 2012.