Degrees of Uncertainty

Kevin Cooley: Night For Night

Concerned with observing the world, Kevin Cooley (b. 1975) captures a profound and intense mood through his treatment of light, colour and object. Influenced by numerous artists including James Turrell, Andy Goldsworthy and Andreas Gursky, Cooley’s work combines both the staged and the real. Through his precise use of colour, his images invite discussion; at first glance, viewers focus on the intense light and the obvious, however upon the second glance what is in the shadows also becomes intriguing. Cooley is a storyteller; in his series, Night For Night, there is a degree of uncertainty and eeriness, and questions lead only to further questions, which keeps the viewer returning to the works again and again. Moving seamlessly between photography, installation and video, Cooley is currently working on a large-scale project, Skyward, which is on display now at The Pierogi Gallery’s expansive exhibition space, The Boiler in New York City. The following images are from Night For Night and courtesy of Kopeikin Gallery, Los Angeles.