Jack Kerouac’s seminal novel, The Road, resonates within the landscape and culture of American roads, contributing to a network of ideas surrounding the sense of movement, escape and journeys. Roads, undoubtedly, have always been a place of self-discovery both for its individual travelers and, through their narratives, for the country as a whole, providing entryways between different states, whilst cutting up the topography as a manmade construction for guided routes. Longer Ways to Go presents photographs from the collection of the Center for Creative Photography made of, from, on, and in the more than four million miles of road that criss-cross America, over eight decades.
Until 15 October. For more information: www.creativephotography.org
1. Roger Minick, Airstream at Monument Valley, Arizona, 1979. © Roger Minick 1979.
1. Roger Minick, Airstream at Monument Valley, Arizona, 1979. © Roger Minick 1979.