Immersive Theatre Now

A radical restructuring of Federico García Lorca from Metta Theatre, tackles our preoccupation with knife-crime and highlights the writer’s relevance today.

Morality in a Fledgling Democracy

Western democracy has long been considered the blueprint of the ‘civilised world’, but a new play at the National Theatre questions this dominance.

Challenging Elitism

Spill Festival welcomes new audiences and practicioners to performance and live events around London, with subversive political messages, humour, and more.

Personalising the political

Collapsing ideologies are collaboratively explored in European theatre – Mark Ravenhill and Ramin Gray’s production of Over There personalises the political.

The Hounding of David Oluwale

The Hounding of David Oluwale is the emotional new play from Eclipse Theatre, investigating the life, tragic death and search for justice for David Oluwale.

Theatre against genocide

Mashirika theatre company is helping Rwandan communities to unite and international audiences to understand the 1994 genocide through Africa’s Hope.

Experimental Theatre: Provoking Ideas

Forced Entertainment is a dynamic ensemble of six artists based in Sheffield, who create original work that challenges and subverts notions of urban life.

Modern History: Theatre That Tackles a 60 Year Conflict

Al-Harah, in their recent production, Born in Bethlehem, explore the shocking reality of Palestinian life today sixty years after the formation of Israel.

Performing Against Censorship and Control, and for the Freedom of Speech

Imagine if your latest performance could subject you to violence and oppression from the state? This is the reality for all involved with the Belarus Free Theatre.

deciBel 2007

Of the initiatives leading the drive for greater representation of British artists of ethnic origin, deciBel, a showcase event in Birmingham, was the most prominent.


The public conception of a “circus” today lies somewhere between the extravagant showpieces of Cirque du Soleil, and childhood memories of clowns and tigers.