Memory Preserved
Jeanne Moutoussamy-Ashe documents the unprecedented changes experienced by Black communities on Daufuskie Island.
Jeanne Moutoussamy-Ashe documents the unprecedented changes experienced by Black communities on Daufuskie Island.
Three Letter Plague is Jonny Steinberg’s enthralling investigation into HIV and AIDS in South Africa, discovering why the AIDS epidemic will proliferate.
Mark Doty follows the success of his 2007 New York Times bestselling memoir, Dog Years, with a superb new collection of poetry, Theories and Apparitions.
The Hounding of David Oluwale is the emotional new play from Eclipse Theatre, investigating the life, tragic death and search for justice for David Oluwale.
School of Seven Bells’ stunning debut album, Alpinisms is a beautiful fusion of different styles combined with Alejandra and Claudia’s haunting vocal harmonies.
For a group of young art graduates interested in “music and surrealism”, The Je Suis Animal collective remain refreshingly unpretentious.
Lambchop’s latest album showcases an artist becoming more comfortable in his own efforts while embracing the band’s trademark youthful playfulness.
From sporadic appearances with the likes of Current 93 to his forays into outdoor recording and junk percussion, Keith Wood is always changing and adapting.
Independent cinemas are offering a fresh alternative to the staid multiplex environment. Aesthetica explores the varied pastimes on offer around the UK.
Sundance is keen to explore new ideas, and this year their New Frontier on Main programme illustrates their commitment to new territories through film.
In Winter 2008, the Royal Academy of Arts opened its doors to challenging and exciting works of art, that question not only the conceptual, but the theoretical.
Shigeyuki Kihara: Living Photographs explores themes of Pacific culture, identity, colonialism, stereotypes and gender roles.
The exploration of immersive art is celebrated in Modern Art Oxford’s multimedia installations from Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller.