Robert Adams
Robert Adams (b. 1937) has spent his career documenting the ever-changing landscape of the American west. His stark black and white images uncover the region from various vantage points, finding desolate scenery, lively towns and hauntingly quiet streets. Avoiding overbearing subject-matter, Adams’ photographs are often taken from a distance and are minimalist in character, searching for the fragile beauty which is found resting silently in the ordinary. They bear witness to the landscape and how it and the human activity within it shape each other. The artist was first recognised in 1975 when he was included in the now famous New Topographics exhibition at George Eastman House in Rochester, New York. His work is celebrated in The Place We Live, which is on display at Fotomuseum Winterthur 7 July – 31 August. The exhibition features nearly 300 works and highlights the important legacy of Adams and his significant influence upon photographic practice over the last 45 years. The following images are a selection from the exhibition.