The 18th Encounters Short Film and Animation Festival takes place this September, at Bristol’s harbourside and across the city centre. The Festival’s stunning line-up for this year includes new visual art and animation exhibitions, pioneering 3D Soviet Russian work, a Finnish cross-dressing zombie band in a circus tent & much more.
Encounters Short Film and Animation Festival is the umbrella festival for Animated Encounters and Brief Encounters which together presents one of the world’s best-known showcases and meeting points for new and established international short and animated film talent. The longest running competitive short film and animation festival in the UK, and one of Bristol’s leading cultural events, Encounters seeks to promote the importance of short film as a means to develop and progress the next generation of creative talent. The 2012 festival will be held in Bristol, between 18 to 23 September.
This year Encounters will host high profile names from the film and animation industries, including Academy Award winning independent producer Jeremy Thomas, internationally acclaimed documentary filmmaker Kim Longinotto, director/animator Sam Fell, acclaimed cinematographer Lol Crawley and visual artist Paul Bush.
Encounters Short Film and Animation Festival, 18 until 23 September, Bristol City Centre, Bristol.
1. Warp Films, Four Lions
2. Paul Bush
3. Paranorman