Digital Collage

Digital Collage

In 2012, Pedro Dias created an Instagram account to share make-believe worlds, building virtual cities and constructing imaginary landscapes.  

Digital collage provides Dias with a playground – an open-ended arena of possibilities for new spaces, angular frameworks and expansive skylines.

In these abstracted worlds, bright pink playing fields host isolated characters. Figures hover in doorways and drape over brick walls.

Find more of Dias’ work on Instagram: @morfeum

1. Pedro Dias, The temple of hope (2020). Courtesy of the artist.
2. Pedro Dias, Not so minimal friendship (2019). Courtesy of the artist.
3. Pedro Dias, Architectural appropriation (2019). Courtesy of the artist.
4. Pedro Dias, My mind at the end of each work day since pandemic started! (2020). Courtesy of the artist.
5. Pedro Dias, Training Camp (2020). Courtesy of the artist.