Archaic Dereliction

Archaic Dereliction

Aurélien Villette (b. 1982) is a Parisian photographer fuelled by a desire to travel. Bringing to view more than 30 countries, the works are shaped by the artist’s perception of civilisation and the indications of cultural movement through architectural construction. Extravagant and palatial buildings are captured within the context of specific lenses: the shots of dilapidated staircases and isolated, concrete networks remove them from their former prestige into a new state of aestheticised corrosion. The images find beauty in symmetry, be it in the repeated shapes of man-made superstructures or the timeless notion of degeneration and eventual renewal. Ornate bannisters and pastel-coloured walls are held within a moment, as if untouched by anyone or anything other than natural daylight. In this way Villette is at once invisible from the frames but also glaringly evident – present to immortalise a state of disrepair years on.