10 Sculptures from the Aesthetica Art Prize

Celebrating innovative practice, the Prize provides an opportunity for international recognition.  Aesthetica foregrounds thought-provoking works from 10 finalists working in sculpture and design.

1) Aaron Robinson, Acoustic Metamorphose 

Working across mediums and incorporating technology into the craft of art, Robinson experiments with elements of scale, light and space.

2) Elisa Artesero, The Garden of Floating Words

Artesero employs light, shadow and reflection to interact with the sculpture and represent the ephemeral, creating pieces that place text within environments.

3) breadedEcalope, Shadowplay

breadedEscalope critically consider art and design as part of modern life. In Shadowplay, they investigate the physical properties of shadow and of “nothingness.”

4) Tadao Cern, Black Balloons

Black Balloons came from a sense of discovery of the oppositions that could be created initially by just the simplicity of two balloons in a space.

5) James Winter, Spatial Light Constructs

Spatial Light Constructs takes on a parasitic nature, feeding upon architectural hosts, forming a symbiotic relationship whilst communicating urban alienation and vibrancy.

6) Bozena Hanna Kaluga, The Power of Beginning

The Power of Beginning is a three-dimensional sculpture created with ABS plastic filaments, producing a layered structure which interacts with light.

7) Flavio Senoner, Sonny Moves White Oblongs

Made from plaster and wood – specifically, burnt wood – the incorporated plaster shines as a white element in the orderly, structured work. It is a portrait of natural materials.

8) Sanitas Pradittasnee, KHOA MO (Mythical Escapism)

Questioning social systems, KHOA MO takes its title from a type of Thai art dating from the Ayutthaya period, concerned with the desire to be free from suffering.

9) Dario Vidal, Untitled

When viewing Vidal’s Untitled from the front, the viewer experiences a painting. When looking at perspective, one experiences depth. The piece contemplates perfection.

10) Ritmico, Gap/Re:Gap 

Gap/Re:Gap visualises the concept of time by overlaying lights, shadows, sounds and air. The piece – driven by electrical power – questions the nature of chronology.

The Aesthetica Art Prize is open for entries until 31 August. Find out more here.

1. All images courtesy of the artists.