@AccidentallyWesAnderson is a phenomenon. With nearly 2 million Instagram followers, the platform has grown to produce travel guides, exhibitions, merchandise and even a book – all dedicated to real-life places that seem to be plucked from Anderson’s storyboards. Hallmarks of its style are whimsy, symmetry, pastel colours and retro styling. The PUB series from Berlin-born, London-based Simone Hutsch, aka heysupersimi, fits perfectly into this conversation. Traditional British alehouses, taverns and inns – many centuries old – are cut and pasted in front of surreal gradient backdrops. “I wanted to bring out the beauty and details of these old buildings which contribute so much character and history to the city,” Hutsch says. “I was fascinated by the underlying symmetry in many of the designs.” The artist is best known for depicting contemporary architectural forms, so this project was a change of pace. “Combining my minimalistic style with this traditional, quintessentially British, architecture was a challenge, but I’ve enjoyed every aspect.”

heysupersimi.com | @heysupersimi
All images courtesy Simone Hutsch, aka heysupersimi.