The horror vacui series comprises still life photographs in a state of dissolution. Each composition pairs organic and non-organic items – remnants from a larger whole – including leftover packaging from boiled sweets, onion skins, cardboard boxes, coconut shells, egg cartons, plastic bags and pistachio shells. The series speaks to the fear of empty space. The images are at once melancholy and indulgent, resting in the moments after purchasing, unwrapping and consuming. Pia Kintrup’s (b. 1988) research investigates new media and materials, exploring transformational processes, emptiness and abundance. Kintrup has won numerous awards for her experimental projects. In 2019, she was awarded the 13th Special Prize at Arte Laguna, the Special Prize at Photolux Festival and the Excellence Award at Art Next Expo, Hong Kong. She is represented by Noaddress Gallery – Italy and Brazil – and by Townley Gallery, New York.
Lead Image: Pia Kintrup, Gelbe Zwiebelfolie / Yellow Onion Skin from horror vacui.
1: Pia Kintrup, Kokosnuss / Coconut from horror vacui.
2: Pia Kintrup, Hasenbonbonpapier / Rabbit Candy Wrapper from horror vacui.
3: Pia Kintrup, Satinbonbon / Satin Candy from horror vacui.
4: Pia Kintrup, Knoblauchnetzberge / Garlic Net-Mountains from horror vacui.
5: Pia Kintrup, Rosen Eierkarton / Rose Eggcarton, from horror vacui.
6: Pia Kintrup, Wurstblumen / Meatflowers from horror vacui.
7: Pia Kintrup, Pistazienteller / Plate of Pistachios from horror vacui.
8: Pia Kintrup, Grüne Blumen / Green Flowers from horror vacui.
9: Pia Kintrup, Pixelnetz / Pixelmesh from horror vacui.
10: Pia Kintrup, Zitronenschuhbox / Lemon Shoe Box from horror vacui.