Studies have shown that loneliness is more prominent in younger generations, compared to older generations, likely due to lower levels of resilience and social pressures to achieve goals and be successful. In an effort to conform to society, younger generations can be negatively affected, leading to depression, loneliness and other mental health issues. In 2018, Brighton and Hove had a population of 54,649 20-30 year olds, the highest demographic within in the city. Woodall designed an inner-city community kitchen and wider facilitating area prominently to be used by this young demographic, but also to be inclusive of the wider community during discussion groups, community classes, and social events. Accessibility is key, the kitchen itself is designed to be all-encompassing, creating an enjoyable, user-friendly space where people of all ages and abilities can co-create, socialise and mix with their wider community.
Foundation Degree (Arts) Kitchen Design