Faded Paper Figures

Shorthand Records

Faded Paper Figures’ fourth album Relics is immediately addictive. From the opening electronic notes of Breathing  to the heavy drum beats of Not the End of the World (Even as We Know It), the album features catchy hook after hook. Unceasingly upbeat, the record combines computer-generated sounds with jangly guitars and harmonised vocals.

Consisting of John Williams and Heather and Kael Alden, the band is an eclectic mix of highly educated professionals: their day jobs are professor of English, doctor and composer respectively. This variety of life experience finds its way into Relics and different sounds come from all directions. For example, stringed instruments, piano notes, guitar, drums and electronic interjections all invariably appear on Fellaheen.

What makes Relics  so successful is not only the pop-drenched melodies, but also the diversity of sounds incorporated. On the Line and Real Lies would not be out of place in a club, while Horizons Fall  is a perfect soundtrack to accompany a summer party. www.fadedpaperfigures.com.

Hannah Clugston