Bright yellows and springtime colours are essential to Elinor Williams’ aesthetic. She utilises the uplifting modern palette to subvert typically morbid representations of the body. Momento mori imagery, symbolism that reminds viewers of their own mortality, is wryly played with, as her animations encourage audiences to familiarise themselves with the nuances of embodiment. The work is visceral, playful and exudes a sense of light-heartedness, celebrating the almost mechanical ticking over of bodily processes. Elinor Williams is an illustrator and animator. She is an artist living with chronic illness, and her work is driven by a fascination with human anatomy. Through her drawings, she explores the fragmented elements that form a human body. In her stop frame animations, these fragments become creatures of their own, comically illustrating the fallible and absurd nature of our bodies. For the artist, it is fundamental to understand chronic illness on an everyday level, as she continues to navigate the challenges of her own illnesses through humour.