Our relationship with the planet is becoming increasingly estranged. According to the World Meteorological Association, the chance of us temporarily reaching the 1.5 degree threshold over the next five years has risen to 50:50, and yet this warning is failing to hit home. Andrea Alkalay’s Landscape on Landscape series (2020-2021) is extremely potent given this context. Here, the artist explores the “regimes of representation” – consider- ing the visual information we are presented, and the manifold ways it is interpreted, as our relationship to the “real” world continues to become distorted. The compositions are part of what the artist calls “chromatic decomposition.” Beneath the folds of dramatic vistas, layers of digitised colour are stretched across the frame like barcodes. This intui- tive process examines both the poetic and political potential that arises from the act of observation – as images become a complication of objective truth.

Image Credits: Andrea Alkalay, Landscape on Landscape. Courtesy of the artist.