Oscar-winning film director David Lynch extends his unique cinematic style to a series of dark and brooding images of derelict factories in David Lynch: The Factory Photographs. The exhibition, opening 17 January at The Photographer’s Gallery, presents more than 80 black and white prints of factories taken by Lynch between 1980 and 2000 in locations including Germany, Poland, New York and England. The photographs were taken while scouting for shooting locations, and each image could easily be the setting of a surreal Lynch film.
The photographs capture his unmistakable signature style and entice viewers into a world of memory and thought. All of the factories in this series are set against the backdrop of winter; adding to the sense of melancholy and desolation in these now functionless buildings that present viewers with a refuge from relentless progress and modern technology.
The theme of industrialisation is of great interest to Lynch and in films such as Eraserhead (1977), The Elephant Man (1980) and Dune (1984) sounds of machinery and industry dominate. Similarly, David Lynch: The Factory Photographs will be accompanied by sound works created by the artist. The showcase exposes layers of unusual worlds, allowing audiences to open themselves up the work and react to it.
David Lynch: The Factory Photographs, 17 January – 30 March, The Photographer’s Gallery, 16 – 18 Ramilies Street, London, W1F 7LW.
1. David Lynch, Untitled (England), late 1980s/early 1990s Archival gelatin-silver print, 11 x 14 inches, All photographs in an edition of 11 © Collection of the artist.