Daniel Martin Moore
In The Cool of the Day
Sub Pop
When you see Sub Pop is behind a band / singer songwriter, you have to get excited. This is the label that brought Fleet Foxes and Wolf Parade to our iPods, so expectations are always high.
Daniel Martin Moore is from Cold Spring, Kentucky and he did things the old fashion way; sent the folks at Sub Pop a demo back in 2007. They liked what they heard and produced Stray Age in 2008. His follow-up, In The Cool of the Day is quiet and subtle. Encompassing serene vocals with emotive piano, it’s an album that has the potential to grow on you.
Moore performs time tested family gospel favourites, remembered from his youth. “Family gospel favourites” is enough to scare anyone away, but this album fits neatly into a particular vein of music with undertones of country, so it’s best to forego any preconceived notions and give it a try. It’s an album that’s too soft in places, but somehow befits this man from Kentucky. It’s best to listen to while cooking a meal for old friends – somehow becoming the embodiment of quality time.
Shirley Stevenson