Kourtney Roy (b. 1981) is interested in the capacity of a photograph to create the illusion of a fixed point in time. Auto-portraiture forms the basis of her performative exploration of the self, reality, memory and dreams. Two of Roy’s recent series are represented in this selection. They Already Think I am Crazy includes different characters, performed and photographed by Roy around the racetracks of Paris, accompanied by a pervasive sense of the uncanny and of chance. The second series, Hope, combines self-portraits and the Canadian landscapes of Roy’s childhood. Again, improvisation and chance play a role: casual passers-by, a temporary construction site that provides access to a rooftop, and other serendipitous moments all find their way in. Aesthetica previously featured Roy’s vivid photographs, which are aesthetically inspired by pioneers in colour photography such as William Eggleston and Stephen Shore, in the April/May 2014 issue. www.kourtneyroy.com.