The Japanese concept of “Wabi Sabi” does not translate easily into English. “Wabi” originally referred to the loneliness of living in nature – remote from society – whilst “sabi” meant “chill” or “withered.” At the turn of the 14th century, these words began to take on more positive connotations, referencing a beauty of things that are imperfect, impermanent or incomplete. Camilla Olesky is a material designer who combines western neo-traditionalism with Wabi Sabi – inspired by the ideas of perfection and imperfection and contemporary beauty ideals. Using a mixture of textured and smooth concrete, Olesky taps into the raw feelings of loneliness and isolation, whist connecting the textures through macramé knotted rope and the use of a three-tone, monochromatic colour palette. The resulting works experiment with both hard and soft materials, pulling a range of influences together that are bound and interconnected.
BA (Hons) Textile Design