9 November 1989 is probably one of the most significant moments in 20th century history. I remember watching the television as the events unfolded. I was ten years old and even then, I knew that I was watching history, and so 20 years later, across Europe, Germany and Berlin, well really the world, this significant moment is being remembered.
Art often has the ability to preserves historic moments from falling into oblivion. Artists from six European countries- from both former East and West- underline through their participation the international importance of the fall of the Berlin wall up to this day through a new show opening at Galerie Artodrome in Berlin on 7 November. The historic event is explored from different angles. It is seen as chance in general, but also an opportunity to investigate new horizons in the literal sense, as a metaphor for human psychosis, as the beginning of radical globalization and great disillusionment. Until now, one former artist from East Berlin says, the wall has existing in people’s minds. Thus the exhibition also is directed against prejudice and intolerance.
Participating artists in Berlin|| Berlin- 20 Years after the Fall of the Berlin Wall include : Christine Aebischer, Anton Buri, Steffi Deparade-Becker, Cornelia Groh, Constance Güttler, Doortje Kockelkorn, Gerlinde Kosina, Christine Kunkler, Heidi Leitner, Emma Lenzi, Manuel Lunardi, Hanna Scheriau, Martina Schettina, Lieselotte Schwennesen, Christine Siegrist, Markus Wanger.
For further information on the show and artists visit: www.artodrome.de
Berlin|| Berlin- 20 Years after the Fall of the Berlin Wall opens 7
November 2009 at Galerie Artodrome, Berlin.
Image © the artists
Anton BuriDer Traum vom goldenen Westen 160 x200cm, 2009
Renée König, 9. November 1989- Moment der Grenzöffnung, 100 x 70, Gouache und Kreide auf Originalzeitung , 2009
Lieselotte Schwennesen, Grenzenlos, 120 x 140 cm, Öl Collage mit Zement, Wachs, Blech, Stoff, Original-Plomben von der Grenzstation Boizenburg auf Leinwand, 2009