Californian-born Patrick Joust (b. 1978) has lived in Baltimore, Maryland, since 2006 where he currently works as a reference librarian. Inspired by the city, he picked up a camera in 2009 and began capturing the surrounding nocturnal landscapes. Finding intrigue within the strange intersections of the metropolis, Joust uses the lens as a witness to the shifting sense of culture – both from day to night and from the historical to the present. Featured within the following pages are snapshots of various locations across America, illuminations of life through the mist and sweeping darkness of a sleeping world. Alterations in colour temperature provide a kaleidoscopic vision of Pennsylvania, Maine, California and Maryland, saturated glows emanating from rose curtains, yellow Christmas lights and blue-tinted street lamps. The artist depicts suburbia with a soft and misted palette, where a spectrum of fluorescence blends together in the night sky.