Further your understanding of contemporary art and enhance your experience of the Aesthetica Art Prize by joining industry-led talks in the exhibition space at York Art Gallery. On Thursday 29 June Artist and Lecturer in Sculpture at York St John University, Dr Joanna Sperryn-Jones discusses the state of contemporary sculpture and the process behind the creation of three-dimensional works. Addressing the pieces in the exhibition and her own creative process, she will consider audience participation in sculptural works.
Dr Joanna Sperryn-Jones makes and breaks sculpture and frequently encourages others to participate. Her research draws parallels between personal experiences, such as breaking bones, and the creation of three-dimensional works, using Derrida as methodology. Her most recent publication is entitled Cutting up conference papers in Artistic Research: Strategies for Embodiment.
The Aesthetica Art Prize exhibition champions innovation and creativity, and showcases the work of 16 international artists working within the categories of Photographic & Digital Art; Three Dimensional Design & Sculpture; Painting, Drawing & Mixed Media, and Video, Installation & Performance.
Sculpture Today: Creation and Interpretation, from 12:30 on Thursday 29 June.
Aesthetica Art Prize Exhibition, until 10 September (Daily 10am – 5pm), York Art Gallery, Exhibition Square, York YO1 7EW. For admission details, visit www.yorkartgallery.org.uk
For more information and to see the full talks list, visit www.aestheticamagazine.com/art-prize/exhibition-2017
1. Dylan Martinez, Untitled. Courtesy of the artist.