A World Underwater

Sunlight sparkles off glassy waters. Tides fill cinemas, diners, subway carts and tennis courts. This is the future envisioned by 3D artist Hayden Clay. At first glance, these sets are tranquil and dreamlike; each scene is dripping in hues of pink and purple, the entire world caught in a perpetual sunset. But beneath the surface is a stark warning of a dystopian reality brought about by the climate crisis. The water’s encroachment on everyday places is a reminder that no space is safe from the impact of rising sea levels. Clay’s World Underwater was inspired by a trip to Venice, Italy – a place that floods annually. Its sinking foundations could mean it becomes almost entirely submerged by 2100. The artist explained: “a frightening amount of people choose not to believe in climate change, and those who do may have a hard time imagining its effect on our planet. While the series is surreal and dreamy, it is mean to generate discussions about and create awareness of a very real issue: climate change and rising sea levels.” 


Words: Emma Jacob

All images courtesy Hayden Clay.