A Museum of One’s Own: Private Collecting, Public Gift

Anne Higonnet

When walking around galleries and museums, the immediate concern is for the works that line the walls and plinths, however Higonnet explores her fascination with “collections”, and how an individual’s taste within a contemporary era are captured in personal art ensembles.

The images complement the historical context of the text, including photographs of the works in their current locations. The inclusion of the pieces within the collection as a whole is of utmost importance to Higonnet. Their dedicated owners individually chose them for their significance, and being able to see the pieces in their historical resting places is an intriguing touch.

Differing from other coffee-table style art books in the way that Higonnet explores the ideas and processes behind collecting rather than impressive visuals, means the book does lack the striking full-page photographs that some look for in a book of this nature. However, the concept of private made public is a captivating one, very much prevalent today. Perhaps, this will revive the last art of collecting.

Sophie Gordon