The Kate Moss story unfolds in 40, a collection of work by Russell Marshall that celebrates one of the most photographed, enigmatic icons of the time and inspires conversation about celebrity culture and Kate Moss-mania. The exhibition, which coincides with the model’s 40th birthday, will contain 10 canvases inspired by instantly recognisable images of Moss that mark her journey from a 14-year-old model to global icon.
The methods used for producing the works reflect the artist’s background in the British tabloid industry; his techniques mirroring the use of the printing plates that first enabled newspapers to feature images. By doing this, the artist has turned a technique designed to mass-produce art, into the artwork itself. The show tells the Kate Moss story not only using visual images but also words, with a small selection of Moss quotations appearing as vinyls and alluding to the press’ ongoing enigmatic relationship with her.
Marshall’s work has become synonymous with using stars from the past rather than contemporary figures. His motivation to feature people who are “legendary” rather than just “famous” has led to this celebratory exhibition of Moss. It was her longevity in the public eye that drew the photographer to her, observing her continued fame over the years.
40, 17 January – 15 February, Imitate Modern, 27a Devonshire Street, London, W1G 6PN.
1. Westwood Geisha – 1992, courtesy of Russell Marshall.