Leo Bagus

The correspondence printed on the overalls reads: “Your concern regarding diversity is poignant. Since your mail, I have spoken to Jan Murray (Head, School of Art), regarding this issue. As I mentioned, the School of Art (and S&SP) has actively been involved recruiting students from lower SES and regional contexts (through projects associated with the Equity and Innovation Grants (Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program, HEPPP). Having said this, there is still considerable room to extend this agenda. Jan, and I believe most of the staff, would agree that increasing diversity and inclusion of students and staff is an important agenda over the next years, particularly in regard to the representation of indigenous people and other people of colour.” This is an ongoing work. Some students at the school communally wear the printed overalls I distributed, as a reminder of a promise once made. 


Leo Bagus. I will not make any more political art, 2017 – present.