Johanna Marie Schimming

Johanna Marie Schimming is a German artist based in Paris. Her work is distinguished by organic, decisive “gestures” and clear, minimalist lines. The artist redefines perceptions of space by working both in height and depth through relief and layers, or rectangles of transparent paint and varnish that act both as a veil and the opening to another dimension. She also perceives the “void” that surrounds a gesture as being similar to the space of resonance that encloses a sound. The resulting work is akin to a musical composition, with time, rhythm and dynamics, ultimately conveying harmony, serenity and profound joy. | @johannamarieschimming

Johanna Marie Schimming, 097, (2020-21). Acrylic on canvas, mounted on cardboard. 24cm x 18cm x 0.4cm.