The diverse art of internationally renowned artist Bruce Nauman is on show in York St Mary’s until 10 November. Nauman rose to prominence in the 1960s working across a broad spectrum of different media including sculpture, film and video, neon, installation, photography and performance. His work has been exhibited all over the world, and he produced a sound installation piece entitled Raw Materials for the 2004 Unilever Turbine Hall commission at Tate Modern.
This exhibition concentrates on Nauman’s interest in the ambiguities of language, bringing together a selection of work, from early neon word pieces to video works, in which he employed actors to explore language and its delivery. Jennifer Alexander, assistant curator of fine art, said: “Nauman’s diverse art and groundbreaking works have made him one of the most highly respected and influential figures in contemporary art, particularly noted for his video and performance works. For those new to his work, this collection from ARTIST ROOMS and Tate will provide an introduction, and for those more familiar with Nauman, this is a chance to consider his work in the beautiful and unique architectural context of York St Mary’s.”
The exhibition shows work spanning 30 years, exploring Nauman’s constant experimentation and re-invention in his artistic practice. Works in neon, video, metal and stone will be included, such as Violins Violence Silence (1981-2), neon, Untitled (Hand Circle) (1996), bronze, silver solder and copper, and Good Boy Bad Boy, (1985) video.
The works on display are taken from ARTIST ROOMS, an inspirational collection of modern and contemporary art acquired for the nation by Tate and The National Galleries of Scotland through the generosity of Anthony d’Offay with additional support from funders, including the Art Fund. The ARTIST ROOMS tour programme, now in its fifth year, is showing at 16 museums and galleries across the UK in 2013.
Bruce Nauman: ARTIST ROOMS On Tour, 26 July until 10 November, York St Mary’s, Castlegate, York, YO1 9RN.
Image: VIOLINS VIOLENCE SILENCE, 1981-2, ARTIST ROOMS Tate and National Galleries of Scotland Lent by Anthony d’Offay, 2010. Copyright ARS, NY and DACS London 2013