Ashlee Hallas

Ashlee Hallas

Method and media are inextricably interconnected and influenced by one another in Ashlee Hallas’ portfolio. Her approach often consists of deconstruction, collage and re-assemblage, juxtaposing multiple layers of paper infused with varying colours and contexts. Here, the page is a place of examination, reinterpretation and reimagination – where histories are laid on top of one another and the presence of the artist is illuminated through the acts of tearing or decoration. The featured works are an intriguing take on stratification – where no texture is superior – and process is interwoven with completion. Hallas notes: “I tend to be drawn to techniques that allow for an aspect of ‘chance’ as the multi-papers and paints evolve. I make frequent visits to a specific location as it’s important for me to remain visual. I believe investigation and journey are as much part of the work as the end result.”
